
IDYP AGM & 'IDYPx' short talks

Start: End:
Location: GridAKL – “Hatchbox” 12 Madden Street Auckland CBD

Come along to the first IDYP AGM and vote for the 2020 Team! IDYP will also host a range of short talks.

The below 7 speakers, will speak about a diverse range of topics following the well-known TEDx style with short, snappy presentations! 

Shruthi Vijayakumar

Coach, strategist and educator - founder of Shruthi.co


Natalie Harbott

Vice President of the United Nations Association of NZ Northern branch


Darren Ward

Co-founder and Managing Partner of the Direct Impact Group


Catherine Belfield-Haines

Fragile Contexts Programme Manager for World Vision New Zealand


Peter Marra

Master of International Development 


Alex Kuch

Youth development and International Adoptions Ambassador 


Steve O'Donnell

Director of Management Consulting at PWC 


You must be a member of IDYP and attend the AGM in-person to vote, so sign up here if you’re not a member.


5:30 - 6:00 pm Networking

6:00 - 7:30 pm IDYPx Short Talks

7:30 - 8:30pm AGM


Get your ticket on Eventbrite today!