Our Values, at the heart of our organisation is our values-based approach that forms the foundation of our work and how we operate.  

Rangatiratanga, Leadership. We endeavour to maintain personal and organisational integrity and ethical behaviour in our actions and decisions 

Tohungatanga, Expertise. We continue to pursue knowledge that strengthens the expertise of our organisation to the benefit of our partners and stakeholders 

Kotahitanga, Unity. We work collaboratively across our organisation recognising and utilising the collective expertise of our people to achieve our objectives and those of our clients and partners 

Manaakitanga, Looking after our people. We respect our people and those with whom we work 

OSACO Group recognizes the serious impact of behaviour and activities that undermine the values and culture of an organisation while at the same time impacting programme delivery. 

OSACO Group are global experts in human fallibility and the risk impact for organisations: how it impacts the integrity, effectiveness, and reputation of institutions of all kinds; how it corrodes our trust in them, and what can be done about it. OSACO provides investigation, review / training, audit, & compliance support to both the private and public sectors around the globe. We provide Environment, Social & Governance guidance and support to organisations seeking to comply with ethical and sustainable standards in accordance with UN sustainable development goals. We are ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Auditors.

OSACO have a wealth of experience in what can go wrong when people go wrong in organisations, and what to do about it: how to anticipate misconduct and take proactive steps to reduce it; how to ensure people are working in keeping with their employer's stated aims so that what gets accomplished is what the organisation intends—not the opposite. 

Everything we do is about a proactive approach to risk, organizational learning, and effectiveness: how to learn from experience and act on it, evolving, adapting, and getting wiser for next time.  

OSACO has Investigation, Training, Audit and Compliance long-term Framework / Service Agreements with UN & INGOs organisations – including WHO, IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), Mercy Corps, IRC, UNICEF, Johanniter, LWF, and Asian Development Bank OSACO’s approach is to work with clients to ensure that they have a solid foundation of internal policy and procedural documents.  We are also the only NZ/Australian recognised supplier to the worldwide Safeguarding Resource Hub funded by UKAID.

OSACO has undertaken wide-scale reviews of investigations, crisis and risk management conducted by clients, including after they have been directed to do so by donors and other stakeholders – including DFID, EU, EC, Norcap, SIDA USAID, UKAID and. These have included not just a review of outcomes but also the client’s relevant internal policies and procedures.  
