
Global Refugee Forum a "bright burst of light" for displaced populations

Posted on 21 December 2023

From 13-15 December the Global Refugee Forum took place in Geneva. Themed “Action. Unity. Impact”, it bought together over 4000 people to “support the practical implementation of the objectives set out in the Global Compact on Refugees.” Resettlement and Community Sponsorship were two key pledges made, agreeing to resettle one million refugees by 2030 and assist three million more.

"The state of the world requires a reboot of humanity and energy to meet the challenges before us, including that of forced displacement”, said UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi  in his closing statement. "And as long as displacement and other humanitarian crises persist, we need an equally large, sustained, and urgent influx of humanitarian resources.”

UN Secretary General Antonio Gueterres says that protecting and supporting refugees and displaced people is “an obligation shared by all of humanity”, with this summit acting as  “a bright burst of light” for vulnerable populations.


refugee Humanitarian