
International NGOs' vital role in AI and human rights

Posted on 24 February 2023

As AI technologies continue to advance, it is crucial that we prioritise the protection and promotion of human rights in their development and governance. Human rights are universal and fundamental principles that apply to all individuals, regardless of their background or status. These include the right to life, liberty, and security of person, freedom of expression and assembly, and the right to education, work, and healthcare.

However, AI technologies have the potential to infringe on these rights. For instance, facial recognition systems can track and monitor individuals without their consent, violating their right to privacy. Predictive policing algorithms may perpetuate racial bias and discrimination, which contravenes the right to equality before the law.

To prevent these violations, it is crucial to integrate human rights into the development and governance of AI technologies. This requires a collaborative effort involving governments, civil society, academia, the private sector, and International NGOs (INGOs). International non-governmental organisations have a vital role to play in advocating for human rights in the development and governance of AI.

For example, in Papua New Guinea, the government is exploring the use of AI technologies to enhance public safety and security. However, concerns have been raised about the potential for these technologies to be used for surveillance and violate the right to privacy. International NGOs have been working with local civil society organisations to raise awareness of the potential implications of AI technologies on human rights and advocating for the adoption of ethical AI practices.

International NGOs can bring diverse perspectives to the table and raise awareness of the potential implications of AI technologies on human rights. They can also advocate for the rights of marginalised groups that may be disproportionately affected by AI technologies. Additionally, NGOs can work alongside governments and the private sector to promote ethical AI practices and ensure that AI technologies are developed and used in a way that respects human rights.

Moreover, international NGOs can provide technical assistance and capacity building support to enable governments and civil society to better integrate human rights into AI development and governance. They can also help to hold governments and private sector actors accountable for their actions in AI development and use.

In conclusion, international NGOs have a vital role in the development and governance of AI technologies. Through collaboration and a human-centred approach, we can ensure that AI technologies are developed and used in a way that respects and upholds the rights of all individuals, including the most vulnerable and marginalised members of society. By prioritising human rights in AI development and governance, we can harness the full potential of AI to benefit humanity.


This article was written by ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. 

ChatGPT was developed initially in 2018. It is AI technology that is powered by advanced natural language processing algorithms that enable it to understand the meaning of text input and generate responses that are contextually appropriate, informative, and engaging. Users can interact with ChatGPT through various chat interfaces such as messaging apps, websites, and voice assistants.

The ChatGPT commands were:

  1. write an article about why human rights should be at the heart of new AI technologies and governance. And give it a title
  2. include the role of International NGOs
  3. shorten the title
  4. rewrite in British English
  5. include an example from Papua New Guinea


artificial intelligence Human Rights NGOs