
The impact of the Australian Election on international aid

Posted on 23 May 2022

The win by opposition leader Anthony Albanese in Australia's tightly contested general election returns the center-left Labor Party to power for the first time in nine years. It will likely also bring in a notable shift in approach to foreign policy and aid, particularly within the Indo-Pacific region.
Australia’s relations with Pacific and foreign policy in this election campaign has been unprecedented. Previously to the election, DevPolicyBlog provided an overview what the major parties – Coalition, Labor and the Greens – had promised on aid policy and the budget.
CID’s sister organisation in Australia, ACFID, had also previously released a series of policy briefs on the critical issues that will define our world and region over the next decade. These briefs provide new ideas for the future of Australia’s development cooperation and humanitarian assistance, and aim to help shape a shared future with our partners to fulfil the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

The briefs form the basis of ACFID’s election platform and can be downloaded here.