The Ukraine Crisis and wider implications for international development and humanitarian aid

Start: End:
Location: Visitors Centre, Ground Floor, Beehive

The Council for International Development is partnering with the European Union of Aotearoa New Zealand and the New Zealand Parliament House of Representatives to bring you a deep dive into the Ukraine Crisis and the wider implications for international development and humanitarian aid.

The discussion will feature a conversation with HE Nina Obermaier, the European Union Ambassador to Aotearoa New Zealand, and will be moderated by CEO of UNICEF, Michelle Sharp.

The Russia-Ukraine war has been deemed a turning point in history with dire humanitarian consequences. Millions of people are in need of urgent humanitarian aid, and the situation is only expected to worsen as the conflict continues.

The conflict is not only affecting the humanitarian, social, and economic conditions of the Ukrainian people but is having wider implications for international development and humanitarian aid. While Ukraine dominates the political agenda in the ‘global north’, the rest of the world is grappling with economic strains, fragility, insecurity, and climate shocks.

Even before the war, organisations in the international development and humanitarian sector were struggling to cope with Covid, which had set back decades of progress. Moreover, the conflict's toll on humanitarian efforts has placed significant strain on aid funding that was already stretched thin.

To join us for this insightful discussion, buy your ticket here


CID members - $20

Non CID members - $30

Students - $15