IDYP 2020 AGM & 'Short Talks'

Start: End:
Location: Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, Auckland

IDYP will be welcoming the 2020-21 Team at their AGM! You must be a member of IDYP and attend the AGM to vote so sign up here if you’re not a member:

  • 5:30pm - 6:00pm Networking
  • 6:00 - 7:30pm IDYPx Short Talks
  • 7:30-8:30pm AGM

Register here

The AGM will also feature a series of short talks from the following speakers:

  1. Christian Genova - ”The ‘I’ beyond the eyes that see: ethnic minorities in the international development agenda”
  2. Kevin Ung - TBC
  3. Sherry Feng - ”The use of artificial Intelligence in international development”
  4. Stephen Johnson - "Transforming business - Creating new ways of doing business to achieve development goals."
  5. Erin Thomas - ”Climate Migration and the Right to Life with Dignity”
  6. Wiremu Manaia - ”Insights into the Future: Technology Addiction, 5G Integration and Millennial Generations: A 15 year study into what Millenials are like and what they want?”
  7. Alexander Kuch - ”The Corporate response to COVID-19”

There was one nominee for each Board position, so these nominees will be confirmed at the AGM.