Women At The Table On Climate Change Panel Discussion

Location: Room 03, Mezzanine Floor, Rutherford House (RHMZ03), Victoria University of Wellington Pipitea Campus

The effects of climate change are upon us, and we need to ensure that women are at the table on addressing the impacts of our changing climate. 

We invite you, your whānau, friends, colleagues and networks to register for a ticket to attend the upcoming Women At The Table On Climate Change Panel Discussion to hear from different women working in the climate space. 

Each member will share their insights and perspectives working on driving sustainable and equitable climate action. This will likely include discussing fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement, and other international treaties, the women peace and security agenda, and climate justice both in Aotearoa New Zealand as well as in the South Pacific. The event will wrap up with a brief Q&A session from the audience.

There is an in-person (Wellington) and online ticket option available. Those who sign-up to attend online will be sent a link the day before the event.

In-person attendees are welcome to arrive from 5:30pm with light refreshments provided before the panel discussion begins at 6pm and finishes at 7pm.

We will be announcing our fantastic panel line-up soon!

This event is co-hosted by the National Council of Women New Zealand's International Action Hub, Climate Change & Environmental Sustainability Action Hub, Wellington Branch and the Council for International Development. 

Get Tickets

For more information, please contact ncwwlg@gmail.com