Humanitarian concerns after International Committee of the Red Cross announces budget cut

Posted on 06 April 2023

In an announcement early last month, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) disclosed that they would be cutting this year’s budget by CHF 440 million due to significant shortfalls in funding. This news follows the adoption of the highest-ever budget of CHF 2.79 billion by the organisation.
Robert Mardini, ICRC General Director, announced the field budget reduction – which may amount to 15% of their total budget – in an organisation wide letter alongside a strategic review aiming to redesign ICRC’s overall approach. ICRC have since announced the termination of 1500 employees and 20 worldwide offices as a result of the cuts, with the consequences on those requiring aid remaining uncertain but likely hugely damaging.

The move has been met by significant resistance, with almost 2,500 ICRC employees releasing an open letter addressed to their director on March 17 outraged by the cuts and urging for a re audit. "The efforts you are demanding today have a human cost, for the victims and for the staff”, they write.