
Baby rushed to Shifaa Hospital Gaza

Gaza Update: Medical Workers Abused by Israeli Forces After Gaza Hospital Raid

Posted on 15 March 2024

Medical staff at Nasser Hospital in Gaza have reported harrowing abuse by Israeli forces following a raid last month. According to doctors and other personnel, at least 13 patients lost…
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King Tupou VI Tonga

Tongan King and Prime Minister Work Toward Resolution Amidst Differences

Posted on 15 March 2024

Tongan Prime Minister Hu’akavameiliku Siaosi Sovaleni recently met with King Tupou VI in Niuafo’ou to address disagreements that had arisen in early February. Although no official updates have been released…
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Solomon Island Women

Only 6% of candidates in Solomon Islands election are women

Posted on 15 March 2024

In the upcoming Solomon Islands national election on April 17, a mere 6% of the candidates are women, according to the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission. Out of the 334 registered…
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Rohingya Women in Bangladesh camp

UN Launches $852.4 Million Appeal to Address Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis in Bangladesh

Posted on 15 March 2024

In response to the ongoing Rohingya humanitarian crisis affecting 1.3 million people in Bangladesh, UN humanitarian agencies have launched an appeal for $852.4 million to support refugees and the host…
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wiki commons rich and poor

UN Report Warns: Gulf Between Rich and Poor Countries Paves Way for Darker Future

Posted on 15 March 2024

The gulf between rich and poor countries continues to widen, according to the United Nations. This trend marks a reversal of the past two decades, during which the gap had…
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Open letter website

New Zealand Leadership in an Insecure World: A Unified Call to Increase Overseas Development Aid

Posted on 13 March 2024

An Open Letter to New Zealand’s Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, Foreign Minister Rt Hon Winston Peters, and ACT leader Hon David Seymour 

Dear Ministers, 

The Council for International Development (CID), along with…
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1 Oxfam Thailand Artur Francisco v3

World Bank Study Exposes Persistent Gender Gap in Working Women Worldwide

Posted on 08 March 2024

The study's revelations serve as a sobering reminder of the urgent need to address gender inequality on a global scale. Beyond mere rhetoric, concrete actions and policies must be implemented…
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Sanitary Pads

Women Struggle Without Menstrual Sanitary Products in GAZA

Posted on 08 March 2024

In Gaza, menstruation has become a critical challenge for many women as the ongoing conflict worsens the shortage of sanitary products. With limited access to basic necessities, women are forced…
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pacific island map

Pacific Island Countries Face Economic Slowdown in 2024 - World Bank Report

Posted on 08 March 2024

Despite the setbacks, the World Bank stresses the importance of targeted policies and investments to support sustainable growth and resilience in the region. Strengthening governance, promoting private sector development, and…
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Newsroom Article Gaza GettyImages 1948071833 1

GAZA Crisis: Palestinians Forced to Eat Grass Amidst Food Shortages and Israeli Siege

Posted on 08 March 2024

In the northern region of Gaza, Palestinians are facing an extreme food shortage, worsened by the ongoing Israeli siege. Reports reveal that some residents have resorted to eating grass in…
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