
India Leprosy Mission 3

Geopolitics in the Pacific heats up, global disability summit and more of Social Enterprises

Posted on 31 July 2018

+ How much do our members love us?

+ Geopolitics in the Pacific heats up

US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo gave a keynote speech overnight, committing $113 million to new investments…
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India Leprosy Mission 4

Social enterprises, partnering with business and asylum seekers good for the economy

Posted on 24 July 2018

+ How much do our members love us?

+ CID opens the door to social enterprise

A huge CID welcome to our new member, The Ākina Foundation.  Ākina is well known to many…
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8 Oxfam Bangladesh Kelsey Rae Taylor

CID Talk: Rachel O'Connor: What's next for NZ's refugee policy?

Posted on 24 July 2018

What difference will new Global Compacts make to refugees and migrants in a time where nationalism and isolationism are on the rise in Europe and the USA?Rachel is the National…
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Photo 73. VSA crop two

CID Talk: Belinda Gorman: Partnership Brokers Association

Posted on 20 July 2018

The Partnership Brokers Association is the international professional body for those managing and developing collaboration processes.Belinda Gorman, Associate at Partnership Brokers association talked about how to define partnerships, how partnerships…
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India Michelia Ward Trade Aid 2

UN reform, how we're tracking on SDGs, Trump, making a difference with research, and more

Posted on 17 July 2018

+ How much do our members love us?

+ "Make human rights great again!"

Finland's largest newspaper welcomed US President Donald Trump and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin to Helsinki.  Helsingin Sanomat placed…
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SDGs, new development fund, rule of law & refugees

SDGs, new development fund, rule of law & refugees

Posted on 10 July 2018

+ How much do our members love us?

+ New energy NGOs, business and government  to work on SDGs

"Expect to work together longer and more closely, get better at reporting and involve more local…
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India UnionAID 2

EU & migrants, Syria, plastic bags and are you woke?

Posted on 03 July 2018

+ Off-shore migration centres for EU?

European Union leaders are exploring “controlled centers” inside Europe to assess migrants, and "regional disembarkment platforms” outside the bloc, likely in North Africa, according to Devex. They also agreed to…
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Indonesia Matt King SurfAid

Refugees, US withdraws from human rights and new stats on the Pacific

Posted on 26 June 2018

+ A 'crime' to help refugees doesn't stop NGOs

Just after World Refugee Day, Hungary’s parliament passed a law that not only makes it almost impossible to seek asylum in Hungary, but also…
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Trade aid 1

CID Talk: What's UNFPA doing in the Pacific?

Posted on 26 June 2018

UNFPA is the United Nations' reproductive health and rights agency.  Their mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person's…
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Indonesia tsunami Phil Maher 14

CID Talk: Dr Frank Rijsberman: Global Green Growth Institute

Posted on 21 June 2018

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an international organisation that is dedicated to supporting developing and emerging countries to transition to a model of green growth, that simultaneously achieves poverty reduction,…
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