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CID Talk - Cash in the Pacific: Examples and Innovations for Humanitarian Action

Posted on 16 December 2019

Sandra Hart, Oxfam’s Pacific Cash & Livelihoods Lead, talks about her first-hand experience in delivering a cash-based programme to assist families displaced by the Ambae volcano in Vanuatu, in 2018, which represents the first…
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NZ's ICESD, COP25, Trust in Humanitarian workers, and more

Posted on 10 December 2019

+ Government’s new policy statement on aid

New Zealand’s International Cooperation for Effective Sustainable Development’ (ICESD) has been released. 

Key points:

 Maintains the primary focus of ODA on the Pacific
Secondary region is South East Asia
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Measles crisis, UN guidelines on disability inclusion, Investment Impact, and more.

Posted on 03 December 2019

+ Latest on measles crisis
There are currently 3,728 measles cases in Samoa, including 198 in the past 24 hours. 53 patients diagnosed with measles have died. Since the nation-wide immunisation campaign…
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Press Release: Samoa Measles Epidemic – Cash the best way to support

Posted on 02 December 2019


2 December 2019

“It has been heartening to see again, the generosity of the New Zealand public during a crisis, but it is key that support matches the immediate needs in…
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Discussion Paper - Investment Impact: an idea whose time has come

Posted on 02 December 2019

• For all the time, talent and treasure that NGOs apply to the pressing social and environmental issues of our time, what is really holding us back from lasting impact?”

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Ethiopia Michelia Ward Trade Aid

Pacific measles outbreak, EU Aid, Local Faith Actors response, and more.

Posted on 27 November 2019

+ Pacific Measles Epidemic
Samoa's Ministry of Health is appealing for help as the death toll in the measles epidemic reaches 25 people (new stats are out today) - all but one of them…
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Challenge of data in the Pacific, Glimmer of hope, Nairobi ICPD25, and more.

Posted on 19 November 2019

+ Lack of HR biggest challenge for data in the Pacific

Lack of environmental data collection and analysis is holding back decision-making and progress in the Pacific, writes Lisa Cornish at Devex.

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CID Annual Conference 2019 Summary 

Posted on 14 November 2019

Thank you to all of you who attended and participated in what was a great day of sharing, talking, eating and drinking together. For those who were unable to attend, here’s a…
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Zero Carbon Act, Local Resources in Humanitarian Crises, Africa's Development Dynamics, and more

Posted on 12 November 2019

+ Cross-party support for Zero Carbon Act 

All parties (except ACT) voted to enact the bill designed to make New Zealand net carbon zero by 2050.

"Some think the bill imperfectly soft. Others – including the…
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CID Photo Competition 2019

Posted on 11 November 2019

The CID Photo Competition 2019 closed on 7 October and the winners were announced at the CID Annual Conference on 21 October 2019.

CID received a total of 57 submissions, across…
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