
Indonesia Tsunami Masaru 16

MFAT Day, annihilating Dorian, Mugabe's death, and more

Posted on 10 September 2019

+ Syria: Please sign and promote the #NZiswatching Petition 

The petition for the #nziswatching campaign is still receiving signatures. Please continue to circulate the petition in order to accumulate as many signatures as possible. 

UN human…
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IMG 9007

CID Collaboration Award

Posted on 05 September 2019

The CID Collaboration Award is a new award introduced at the CID Annual Conference 2019. The award recognises and celebrates the importance of effective relationships and collaborative thinking within and…
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Pacific pedram Pirnia 2

CIDx Talk: Bill English: How do you know you're doing good?

Posted on 03 September 2019

Former Prime Minister of New Zealand Sir Bill English addressed a key question for the international development sector; “How do you know you’re doing good?”In this CIDx talk hosted at…
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Photo 25. ChildFund

Amazon fires, Measles outbreak threatens the Pacific, CID updates and more

Posted on 03 September 2019

+ #NZiswatching Petition Still Collecting Signatures

Update on the campaign this week:
Chair of CID's Humanitarian Network, World Vision's Mark Mitchell had a great article in Stuff on the campaign.
Tearfund's Andrew Robinson has been generating support from…
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Solomons Sumi Subramaniam FPI 3

CID Submission – Inquiry into New Zealand’s aid to the Pacific

Posted on 02 September 2019

to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade CommitteePDF


1. The Council for International Development (CID) would like to thank the Foreign Affairs,
Defence and Trade Committee for the opportunity to make a…
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IMG 2700

Terms of Reference: CID Representation on DevNet Committees

Posted on 02 September 2019

The Council for International Development is an Associate Member of DevNet. In June 2019, to expand member engagement, nominations were called from the sector for representatives to sit on the…
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Solomons 2007 Tsunami

CID Submission - Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva, 13th – 17th May 2019

Posted on 01 September 2019


1.       The Council for International Development (CID) would like to thank MFAT for the opportunity to make a submission to support the delegation attending the Global Platform for Disaster Risk…
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Fairtrade Photo 6

Rohingya seeking rights, and #Nziswatching petition still active. Plus fundraising, management advice and more.

Posted on 27 August 2019

+ Rohingya still without rights two years on from exodus

August 25th marked two years since nearly 740,000 Muslim-majority Rohingya fled Rakhine State for Bangladesh, bringing the total who fled to almost 1…
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Photo 32. Banzaid

#nziswatching Advocacy for Syria, celebrating women humanitarians, Pacific Leaders Forum fallout, plus many upcoming events and more.

Posted on 20 August 2019

+ #NZiswatching

Eleven CID members launched a campaign to call on the New Zealand government to resume funding to Syria, and to keep the pressure on the Syria regime to prevent…
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9 Oxfam Bangladesh Kelsey Rae Taylor v2

Charities ask for New Zealanders' Help to get More Government Funding for Syria

Posted on 20 August 2019

Originally from Newshub, written by James Fyfe

There are calls for the Government to take action on the Syrian crisis and resume funding for humanitarian aid to the war-torn country.

In recent…
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